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You Came In Handy

What a morning.  I woke up to go to the gym for my morning cardio.  Then I heard how much it was raining, so of course I went back to bed to enjoy the sound of the rain.  Woke up late so I was running around trying to get things done.  Made my daughter miss the bus so I had to driver her to school, so I figured I better drive my boys to school also. So after dropping my daughter off, I came back home to pick up the boys and drive them...on my way to work I go.  While driving, I see on the other side of the highway a van skid out of control and did about 20 turns to finally stop, facing the opposite directions.  Not one vehicle stopped to see if this driver was ok.  That made me extremely sad.  I got on my phone and called 911 and sent help his/her way.

So, what came in handy today?  My knit cardigan!!!  I happened to buy it last night while taking my daughter shopping for some shoes.  I bought it with the intent to wear it later when it got cooler.  But because of the crazy morning I was having, no time to pick out my clothes, I just picked it up and threw it on and completed my look.  Oh how wonderful and handy you came...anything new is always

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