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Fashion and Fitness

Today I decided that my blog will not only be about fashion, but also about fitness! These are two things that I absolutely love.  And while I speak about my fitness alot on Instagram, I dont get the opportunity to share it with those of you that follow me here and not there.  So I will try to post stuff about fitness as much here as I do on IG!  Thanks so much for those that follow me here and I hope I can encourage at least one person to take care of their health and to love and respect their body.  If you have any questions about food or working out, please feel free to email me at - also, follow me on Instagram @jerseyblogess!

I am not a certified trainer...simply a girl that loves fitness and dont mind sharing what I have learned along the way.  What works for me, may not work for you!!  Please visit your doctor and find out if staying fit is right for Of course its right for you! But things have to be done at your pace and with your physical ability in mind.
Fitness; JB BootCamp


  1. I'm looking forward to your fitness posts. I follow a lot of #fitspo posts on IG so I'll have to follow you there too!!! Thanks!

  2. Bueno yo solo espero verme super espectacular como tu. He dicho caramba hahahahahahahaha. Thanks for the inspiration always mama!


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