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Paris Please

Moooorning!! Hope you had a great weekend my darlings. The weather is getting cooler and cooler. This is the time when I have no idea what I want to do with my hair! Ugh!! I literally took it out of the bun I slept in and pinned it in the front and thats it!  Years ago, when I got bored with my hair, I would color it or cut it or both…But now that I don’t want to do either, it’s very frustrating.  So I have to struggle and find things to do.  Anyway, have a wonderful day!!

Get The LookMidi Skirt (Missguided) / Paris Please Heathered Sweatshirt (Forever21) / Boots (Nordstrom - See other Option 1 - Option 2 - or Option 3)
Midi Skirt and Sweater
Midi Skirt, Paris Please Sweater and Boots
Midi Skirt, Paris Please Sweater and Boots
Midi Skirt, Paris Please Sweater and Boots
Boots, Booties
Midi Skirt, Paris Please Sweater and Boots
Midi Skirt, Paris Please Sweater and Boots

1 comment:

  1. Love how you look here. First there's that really wild yet very pretty hair of yours. That hair actually kinda works, and it has a pretty unique style of its own for you, your own style that really shows you. Then there's that sexy long sleeve blouse paired up with that really tight and sexy skirt and those very fine boots. It's like a very controlled and pretty chaos. REALLY REALLY SEXY.


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