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Facing Your Fears

This post is totally not related to fashion.  This is to tell you about my experience of facing my fears.  I am or was mortally afraid of dogs – little or big – anything that looked like a dog.  But the funny thing is that I grew up with dog.  I have no clue what happened from that time until now that made me so afraid of dogs.  Anyway, my friend has a pitbull named Savage.  I was so scared of meeting the dog because I heard him barking and I just knew he was going to kill me…lol yes, I can be very dramatic.  Anyway, my friend Theo helped me.  He sat me down, and let the dog come by me.  He sniffed me, he looked at me, and at that point, I just knew he was going to lunge at me.  But no, he didn’t.  He had the kindest eyes and I think he really likes me now.  I had to get on his good side, so I would give him food and eventually worked up to touching him.  This may not be a big deal to you, but to me, this is huuuuuge!!! I FEEL SO FREAKING AWESOME!! This has really changed my (dramatic again) 
Savage; Pitbull
Savage; Pitbull
Savage; Pitbull
Savage; Pitbull
Savage; Pitbull

1 comment:

  1. LOL! You so funny! But I don't blame you for being afraid. The dog's name is "Savage".......Geeesh!!!


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