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Leopard Print

Good morning beautiful. 

So, in August of 2013, I ordered this dress from ASOS. It took me this long to wear it.  Why? I dont know. I have to be in the mood to wear certain things. I guess today I was in the mood for  The dress is no longer available, but they have some great ones you can check out Here

Have a beautiful day lovies.
leopard dress; asos
leopard dress; asos
leopard dress; asos
leopard dress; asos
leopard dress; asos


  1. You look super cute as usual, and I LOVE...LOVE...LOVE the shoes, but that's a doggone shame! (2013)

  2. Girl I have been in the look out for something similar for years now, and no luck. You should wear this dress more often because it looks perfect and amazing on you. Also love the heels too, great color.

    Berty Morales
    Mad For Fashion For Less
    To read more about this Latina fashion diary visit


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